Sarah Cotterill (Cohort IV) was awarded the prestigious Emerging Talent Award from Future Water Association last week! Here is some background on the Award and what Sarah has been up to lately.
Future Water Association is a business support organisation for the water sector. They were founded in 1986 and focus on shaping the future of the sector, by increasing engagement, stimulating new thinking, generating business growth, and influencing stakeholders. Nominations for their Emerging Talent Award are open between December and March for water-focussed businesses to put forward “a young person (30 or younger) who is new to your company (within the last five years) that has:
• achieved beyond expectations by bringing something new to you company
• demonstrated leadership
• an interest in water and the environment”
The award, this year, was sponsored by Arup.
"I’ve recently been working as an Innovation Manager (a postdoctoral research position) at The Water Hub ( TWH is a collaborative ERDF project between Durham University, Durham County Council, Environment Agency and Northumbrian Water. I’ve led projects on sustainable drainage (SuDS) and water efficiency. I’ve supported innovative small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) with technology development, access to real-world test and demonstration facilities, and helped them to apply for funding. I’ve also organised a number of events - including our annual networking event ‘RIPPLE’
I’ve just accepted a position at University College Dublin, and will begin as an Assistant Professor/Lecturer in Civil Engineering (specialising in Water) in August. "
Congratulations Sarah!