Friday, February 2, 2018

Clear water: reducing water discolouration

Water discolouration is becoming an increasingly difficult problem for water companies to manage. In 2013 alone, 2 million UK customers were affected by water discolouration. Rising customer expectations, tighter regulatory demands and ageing water systems means that predicting, managing and reducing water discolouration is a key priority for the improvement of water quality provision to consumers in the UK.

How does water discolouration occur?

The formation of water discolouration is a complex process and is not completely understood. Water discolouration is believed to be primarily caused by the mobilisation of discolouration material. This is thought to be caused by hydraulic changes detaching and transporting the discolouration material through the network, resulting in discoloured water at the tap. Trunk mains (the motorways in a water transport network) are thought to be at especially high risk as their large size acts as a reservoir, allowing discolouration material to build up.

How is water discolouration currently managed?

At present, water discolouration is managed in a reactive way – once a sufficient number of customers have notified their water provider of discoloured water in their area, the water company responds by cleaning parts of the water network to try and alleviate the issue. Trunk mains cleaning programs, where trunk mains are periodically cleaned in an attempt to reduce discolouration material build-up, are also a current management tool for water discolouration. However, these programs are expensive and difficult to implement without disrupting supply and so to reduce costs for both the water company and consumers, this only occurs infrequently. Therefore, there is a strong need to develop new methods that predictive where water discolouration might occur and provide the intelligence required to plan preventative maintenance.

How can water discolouration be managed better?

STREAM researcher Gregory Meyers has developed a new, data-driven method of forecasting water discolouration. The developed system can detect the mobilisation of discolouration material and estimate if sufficient turbidity will be generated to exceed a preselected threshold and approximate how long the material will take to reach a downstream meter and taps. This new method could therefore be used as an early warning system, which will allow water companies to deal with water discolouration proactively rather than reactively. In addition, the method is cheaper than traditional periodic trunk mains cleaning programs.

The method designed by STREAM researcher Gregory Meyers is a data-driven modelling approach. In order to predict water discolouration, three processes need to be considered by the model. The model must detect if sufficient hydraulic force capable of mobilising discolouration material has occurred. Secondly, the model must be able to assess the resultant turbidity. Finally, it must be able to estimate where mobilisation of discolouration material has occurred and how long it will take to reach downstream turbidity meters. Meyers compared two different modelling approaches and three different machine-learning methods using flow, turbidity and hydraulic data collected from a trunk main network. The best performing model was able to reliably predict turbidity up to 5 hours ahead of its detection at downstream meters.

In order to further validate this method, the method needs to be tested on multiple water systems. Once validated, the method can be used to improve management processes regarding water discolouration. This will reduce the amount of water discolouration experienced by customers throughout the UK.

For full reference:
Meyers, G., Kapelan, Z., Keedwell, E., 2017. Short-term forecasting of turbidity in trunk main networks. Water Research 124, 67–76.